I have the pleasure of taking the drive up Rte. 52 in Delaware every morning, it is a relaxing nature drive in the midst of the morning rush but the amount of natural color that I pass by always amazes me. Too many of us, ignore the obvious that sits in front of us. The Earth has sprouted out its own color palette of beauty that we can draw inspiration from. The next time you are walking or even for a drive take some time out to appreciate your surroundings and take note of the color combinations that you see so that your wedding can be that unique event that you want it to be.

Isn't the above image beautiful... it displays the different shades within the Yellow and Orange family with a hint of Sky blue to break up the monotony.
Now the tip for your next dinner is similar. I used to have a friend in college that worked with me in the Library (hey, something had to help pay off the school loans) and he would always ask for advice on what he could make for dinner. My advice to him would be envision your plate and think of the colors that you will be placing on the plate because lets face it, we only eat what LOOKS appealing to our eye. He would say I am going to make steak with grilled onions but I don't know what else to make with it. My first instinct tells me that there is not enough color on his plate so I would advice him to make a roasted seasoned red potato (with the skin) and a steam mixed vegetable medley (seasoned with olive oil(for sheen and slight flavor) and preferred seasonings) . You want you plate to pop with color so that you mouth cannot wait to take the first bite! MMMmmm...Good!The shrimp dish below illustrates my intent around the use of color to make a platter appetizing:

Check your surrounds for your upcoming wedding colors, you may be surprised at what you see.
Let me know your thoughts....