Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So many colors........

You know when I speak with potential brides, the colors of their upcoming weddings are sometimes a mystery to them. I have a trick that can apply to your upcoming wedding or even that next meal that you have to prepare.

I have the pleasure of taking the drive up Rte. 52 in Delaware every morning, it is a relaxing nature drive in the midst of the morning rush but the amount of natural color that I pass by always amazes me. Too many of us, ignore the obvious that sits in front of us. The Earth has sprouted out its own color palette of beauty that we can draw inspiration from. The next time you are walking or even for a drive take some time out to appreciate your surroundings and take note of the color combinations that you see so that your wedding can be that unique event that you want it to be.

Isn't the above image beautiful... it displays the different shades within the Yellow and Orange family with a hint of Sky blue to break up the monotony.

Now the tip for your next dinner is similar. I used to have a friend in college that worked with me in the Library (hey, something had to help pay off the school loans) and he would always ask for advice on what he could make for dinner. My advice to him would be envision your plate and think of the colors that you will be placing on the plate because lets face it, we only eat what LOOKS appealing to our eye. He would say I am going to make steak with grilled onions but I don't know what else to make with it. My first instinct tells me that there is not enough color on his plate so I would advice him to make a roasted seasoned red potato (with the skin) and a steam mixed vegetable medley (seasoned with olive oil(for sheen and slight flavor) and preferred seasonings) . You want you plate to pop with color so that you mouth cannot wait to take the first bite! MMMmmm...Good!

The shrimp dish below illustrates my intent around the use of color to make a platter appetizing:

Look at the color combinations: Lime and Peach; Yellow and Orange; Green and Lime....if you keep looking you can come up with many more combinations.

Check your surrounds for your upcoming wedding colors, you may be surprised at what you see.

Let me know your thoughts....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Look at how simple!

I wanted to illustrate to everyone the simplicity of adding color into your wedding without spending alot of money.

The attached picture caught my eye because it was a nice basket (beautiful shade of green) with bright hot pink napkins and matching forks. From a far, it looks like a flower arrangement.

See simple but nice without the large price tag! You can use something like this to bounce other decor off of to create a sort of shabby chic wedding decor......guest will think you spent alot of money.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Having worked some weddings, I have seen some things that couples will/can appreciate re: saving them money on their nice wedding.

Remember that perception is everything. I have noticed that couples are purchasing these beautiful cakes and after they do the initial slice of the cake, they do not see it again until they have a slice on their plate back at their table after they have completed dancing. Wonder want goes on in the back with the cake...... Well, it is sliced up (of course!) but the question is, is all of the cake used at the wedding and the answer is "no" the slices of the cake are not that large that all of the cake is used. The couple can do one of many things:

*The extravagant cake can be purchased and you perform your initial slicing of the cake but request that your wedding planner ensure that the venue or caterer save the cake that is not sliced or slice extra pieces of the cake for the cake table for guests that would like to enjoy an additional slice. You can ask the baker for the box that the cake came in or for them to supply you with a box so that the cake can be packed up and sent home with you along with your gifts. Otherwise, the remaining cake is discarded with anything else that is left at the venue.

*You could have a tiered cake created with the bottom tier being the only "real" cake. There are bakeries that will be accommodate this requests. If you need to have additional cake for your guests purchase a regular sheet cake to ensure that everyone enjoys cake.

*Remember that cake is part of tradition and if you truly want to be unique with your wedding why not change up the dessert. Who is to say that you cannot have cupcakes, assorted donuts, pies, assorted homemade cakes, and even a ice cream/fruit bar. Your wedding should reflect your lifestyle so do not get caught up in the tradition of a large wedding cake.

Sunday, September 22nd Wedding

I am working on gaining experience at planning weddings by working at the Winterthur Museum as a bridal attendant. This is a wonderful experience that was a true blessing and a joy to work, not only because of my co-workers but the couples with the families are very nice.
This Sunday, I assisted Elaine and Joe Dillion with their wedding reception. This was a laid back couple that was appreciative of everything that was being done for them. They were not nervous at all and kept smiles on their faces the whole time. It was a small intimate wedding, full of love, elegance and simplicity. They were married outside at the Winterthur Museum reflecting pool at 6:30, right before the dusk of the day and when the sun went down the group stayed outside for a while and mingled with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres by candlelight. The Gallery was converted into a lovely dinner party style atmosphere with beautiful floral arrangements by Flowers by Yukie (http://www.flowersbyyukie) and the Winterthur (http://www.winterthurweddings.com) had some new brown and turquoise linens that were just lovely.
The wedding and reception was over by 10:30 PM which gave the couple ample time to change and prepare for their honeymoon trip. It was truly a lovely night where the weather agreed with the event and the couple truly exemplified their love for each other the special guests that they invited.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Growing Pains

My sister turned sixteen and it was automatically assumed that I would be the one to organize her party within a month of the event date. My mother did most of the correspondence with the vendors and has been a great resource in finding local vendors that are affordable............................ because expensive to mom is reasonable to me so she is the perfect asset to the business.

We had everything ordered and contracts were signed and then.... it rained on the night of the party. It was nice all week long and even predicted to be beautiful after the party but not the night of. Oh my where do we start with the phone calls that occurred that day, we had the make-up artist state that she was not coming out in the storming rain. The DJ got lost but did not want to admit it. He kept on saying that he was 10 minutes away and when he finally got to the venue, he circled the place for another 5 minutes. The caterer had just started a new job which had her behind schedule and she came just before the party girl and than she brought the raw food (on ICE) that she was not able to cook because she had to work late. The decorating crew miscalculated how long it was going to take us to decorate the hall so we were all rushing to get changed right before the "ON TIME" guests arrived.

This is why this posting is called "Growing Pains"... everyone starts out somewhere and most of these vendors were new at their craft which does not mean with more practice they will not get better but a chance was given so that they can learn where their weaknesses are and the areas they need to strengthen.

I wanted to illustrate that even though the event was a success there are some things that the planner has to endure and rectify to make the party keeps going because when the day of the event is here, IT IS WHAT IT IS!

The Sweet Sixteener had a nice time at her party and she is still receiving rave reviews, in light of the preliminary events that she and her attendees were not made aware of.

The only thing that I could not anticipate was the way that the new generation dances these days. Some wanted to battle on the dance floor whereas others were having close encounters that needed to be monitored.

Look at what I have gotten myself into....... I will post some of the party pictures on a later post.

You have to start somewhere....

To start a formal business or do it on the side...... That was the question for a long period of time. Until I turned thirty, had two children, and finally got to a place where me and my husband can begin to grow together.

2008 is the year of new beginnings and that is what I have done. I have begun the process to have a fully publicized small business in the state of Delaware. Wedding planning utilizes my skills in a different manner than my full time career does within the Corporate/Engineering realm; it brings color and design to an ordinarily drab "thing" called organization and planning. You have to deal with every member of the family, not necessarily just in the wedding but throughout the course of a wedding planning career, you will meet a ......-zilla of some sort.

I wanted to take this journey on but not do it alone. As I accomplish different milestones, they will be shared on this blog for your education (so you learn from my mistakes) and enjoyment (everyone needs to learn how to laugh at themselves every now and again!)